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About My Vinyl Story

Our Mission And Core Values

My Vinyl Story is dedicated to help you create a environment where you will thrive. We believe that you are what you surround yourself with. We hope that our designs will help create a positive environment in the same way it helped us.

Helping Children Strive

Many of our customers are teachers and parents. We realized by having an inspirational quote in a classroom, it can influence their whole life. It has come to us that these are not just encouraging quotes. These are building blocks to principals and values.

A Little Motivation Goes A Long Way

Sometimes when you just feel like giving up; the ability to keep going on goes a long way. We hope to be able to go along side you. Our designs are not only there to look good. It is the idea of keeping little pieces of reminders everywhere to make sure you keep going.

Mindset Is Everything

One of the hardest things to do is changing your mindset. This is the difference between:

"I can" or "I can't."

"This will make me a better" or "Why is this happening to me."

"I can't do it" or "How can I get it done?"

As far as we know, the only way to change your mindset is to constantly tell yourself that "you can" over a long extended period of time. This is why it is hard.

We hope that our designs can help in a way. It's up there on your wall. You see it everyday. You read it everyday. Eventually, you will believe it.